3.5 Slide point protection mechanism — reduces free loss
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(capital and price relative values) to calculate liquidity.The socalled liquidity, is the unit "price change" of the amount of capital.In a certain volume of trad-ing, if the liquidity is good, the price change is small, if the liquidity is not enough, the price will fluctuate greatly.
Generally speaking, the more high the liquidity, the better the depth of the disk again, the lower the sliding point. MetaFX, based on the inhomogeneous liquidity pool and improved LP Token contracts, has continuously increased the liquidity and trading depth.
At the same time, MetaFX introduces predictor, custom weights, constant sum formula and constant product formula, which makes the price relatively stable when users trade in a certain area, avoid sliding point problems, and greatly reduces the risk of abnormal loss of liquidity provider.